MelJol’s Vision
MelJol’s vision is an equitable social structure within a pluralistic society that is an integrated society where diverse cultures coexist.
MelJol’s Mission
Develop children’s citizenship values by focusing on children’s rights and responsibilities and providing them with opportunities to contribute positively to their environment, using socio-financial and educational tools.
India’s children & youth today are growing up in a changing world. Economic and political instability, ongoing conflicts, climate change and increasing inequality are threats to all children and their communities. Demographic shifts, increasing urbanization, and modern technologies are resulting in opportunities as well as challenges that the world has not grappled with before. The planet is under stress from pollution and climate change. Amid all this turmoil and uncertainty about the future, children are affected by these global risks in a way that undermines their potential and development. It is therefore important to recognize that children and youth not just need to be PROTECTED but they also need to be EMPOWERED to address these problems and be part of the solution. They need to master 21st century skills such as financial literacy, creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship. They also need to be inticatley aware of their rights and responsibilities in society.
Meljol acknowledges these changes & is pro-active to think and evolve to address the current challenges faced by children and youth in India. Meljol uses the UN CONVENTION ON THE RiGHTS OF THE CHILDREN 1991 & United Nation’s Social Development Goals (UN-SDG) as a foundation. Grounded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and building on its strong network, Meljol intends to play role in fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals.