Meljol strongly believes that education should not be restricted only literacy and numeracy, but should include life skills as well, to equip children and young people to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

 1. Akshar Mitra( please give an English name )( Friend for Education)

 Akshar Mitra is a youth led school & community based educational program that focuses on supporting the children in developing age-appropriate formal literacy & 21st century life skills. The program also focuses on developing scientific perspectives by focusing on Science Techology Engineeering & Mathematics (STEM). Child friendly & developmentally appropriate teaching aids are used as part of the project.

2. Teachers Training

Education is only as good as the teachers that impart the knowledge. Therefore, Meljol is  passionate about and involved in training the teachers on its child friendly methodoligies. Meljol’s inique methodologies  enable children to participate actively in an atmosphere that is full of learning and laughter.