
The Aflatot programme for children who have not yet entered primary school (usually 3-6 years of age) provides an early childhood education programme that lays the foundation for this social and financial literacy. The programme builds on the evidence in early childhood education that such early investments provide children with advantages that are amplified and reinforced over time.

Early childhood is the most critical time for positive intervention. Children’s development during this stage is strongly affected by their environment, and that effect continues to exert a strong influence on the rest of their lives. It is of the utmost importance that educational and life-skills programmes such as Aflatot also begin at this early stage. Children gather the building blocks of social and financial literacy even before they get to primary school. Much of what they know about planning, budgeting, saving, spending and using resources is based on their daily routine. Even before monetary concepts are learned, simple concepts such as making full use of available resources, i.e. ‘finishing one’s food’ or ‘buying only necessities’, are some of the daily realities that young children are exposed to that already relate to Financial Education.


Social and Financial Education is aimed at helping young people think critically, learn about rights and responsibilities, and gain financial knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve their dreams. It also helps them reflect and make sense of the life transitions they are going through, and how they can best be engaged in the world. Social Education teaches them to believe in themselves and become responsible citizens by understanding and being involved in social issues that affect them while Financial Education teaches the important skills of saving, appropriate spending budgeting, planning and engaging in age-appropriate Social and Financial Enterprises. Children also learn to the optimum and effective utilization of the resources (financial & Non financial)


Aflateen programme is designed as a journey for young people to reflect on their lives, learn to explore issues and problems in society, acquire skills that help them become engaged citizens and enact enterprises and projects with other young people from their communities.
Young people have prominent roles in these inspirational stories as well. The Aflateen programme can help young people realize their potential and become agents of change.

Social and financial education is aimed at helping young people think critically and learn about rights and responsibilities, as well as gain financial knowledge and skills that will enable them to make the best use of resources. It also helps them reflect and make sense of the transitions they are going through and how they can best be engaged in the world. Social education teaches them responsible citizenship needing to know about and being involved in social issues that affect them, while financial education teaches the children the important skills of saving, budgeting and engaging in enterprises.

Entrepreneurship Lab

The Financial Entrepreneurship skill building program is a platform for the youth to provide opportunities to develop core soft skills, and acquire necessary information about economic activities, enterprises and to develop an ability to transfer and apply them to different contexts and in different work surroundings. It is an extension to Aflateen program. This program takes the youth through the journey of enterprises with a
grassroots perspective.

The Entrepreneurship skill building program inculcate a positive approach among youth through providing various learning opportunities for them and developing different life skills such as problemsolving, decision making, team work, critical thinking, planning and budgeting, time management, etc. The financial enterprising is an experimental laboratory that will be run, initiated and managed by the youth from age 16 to 22 years. Expert guidance and support, smart exposure to entrepreneurial ideas and activities would be the key features of the Lab. The Lab will provide the
opportunity for youth to learn, to experiment and initiate gainful activities.